
We are happy to offer you the following links and tools to help you find the books you need as quickly and easily as possible. Find Piano Adventures here:


1. From Your Favorite Music Store

In order to help you and your dealer find just the right book, we have put together an order form with all available publications in the German Edition of Piano Adventures (the piano method books for children age 6 and up) as well as the complete list of both the Student Choice Series and the Developing Artist Series, which are both now available in all of Europe. The order form includes the correct order numbers and current prices for all publications. You can download this list here.


2. Online Shops

The following links will give you the best possible search results at the following online shops:

Music Shop Europe

Piano Adventures für Kinder ab 6 Student Choice Series

Stretta Music

Piano Adventures für Kinder ab 6 Student Choice Series


Piano Adventures für Kinder ab 6 Student Choice Series


Piano Adventures für Kinder ab 6 Student Choice Series

3. Ordering and Consultation for Dealers

Hal Leonard Europe GmbH
Rotlaubstr. 6
D‑79427 Eschbach
